Root Canal Treatement

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Root Canal Therapy

The tooth is made of three layers; the enamel or the outer layer, the dentin or the inner layer and pulp or the nerve. The decaying of a tooth first starts with the outer layer and progresses on to the inner layers. When the pulp gets decayed, it causes severe pain. Root canal often becomes the only way to save the tooth. It cleans out the infected pulp and repairs the damage.

Some symptoms when a root canal is needed include

  • Spontaneous pain or throbbing while chewing
  • Sensitivity while eating hot and cold food
  • Severe decay or an injury that creates an infection in the bone

The Procedure


The tooth area is made numb by using anaesthesia and an opening is made through the enamel and dentin to reach the pulp.

Step 2

The depth of the root canal is determined.

Step 3

The infected pulp is removed. The canal is cleaned, enlarged and shaped.

Step 4

The canal is filled and sealed. A metal post may be added for structural support or to retain restorative materials.

Step 5

The tooth is sealed with a temporary filling. A crown is then added to protect the natural tooth.